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Sunday School at 10 am
Sunday Service at 10:00 am
In-Person, Facebook Live, or Virtual
Fellowship Hour at 9 am
15370 Olive Blvd
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Upcoming Events
Click on Events to add them to your Calendar
11/28 & 29 Thanksgiving (office closed)
11/29 8:00 AM Biweekly Newsletter (subscribe)
​12/1 10:00 AM Hope; First Sunday of Advent with Communion
12/1 11:00 AM Hanging of the Greens
12/1 12:00 PM Hanging of the Greens Luncheon (RSVP)
12/2 11:00 AM Advent Bible Study (sign-up)
12/3 Giving Tuesday (link)
12/4 11:00 AM Senior Ministry Meeting
12/5 5:00 PM Newsletter Articles Due EOD
12/7 9:00 AM Cookies with Santa at the carousel Faust Park
12/8 10:00 AM Peace; 2nd Sunday of Advent
12/8 10:00 AM The (no practice)Christmas Program
12/8 10:00 AM Global Ministries Pray for Honduras
12/8 11:00 AM Christian Education Committee
12/8 2:00 PM Sr Ministries Metro Singers Christmas Concert (RSVP)
12/9 11:00 AM Advent Bible Study (sign-up)
12/9 1:00 PM Exec Council
12/13 8:00 AM Biweekly Newsletter
12/14 Habitat Build Date (volunteer)
12/15 10:00 AM Joy; 3rd Sunday of Advent
12/15 10:00 AM Global Ministries Pray for Hong Kong
12/16 11:00 AM Advent Bible Study (sign-up)
12/16 9:30 AM ECC Christmas Program
12/16 11:00 AM Advent Bible Study (sign-up)
12/16 6:00 PM Council Meeting
12/17 9:30 AM ECC Christmas Program
12/17 10:00 AM Book Group Reading “Comfort and Joy”
by Kristin Hannah
12/18 ECC Christmas Break begins
12/21 3:00 PM Longest Night Service
12/22 9:20 AM Loaves & Fishes
12/22 10:00 AM Love; Fourth Sunday of Advent
12/22 11:00 AM Mission Meeting
Mon 12/23 11:00 AM Advent Bible Study(sign-up)
Tue 12/24 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
Tue 12/24 7:00 PM Christmas Eve Candle Light Service
Tue 12/24 & 25 Christmas (office closed)
Wed 12/25 Merry Christmas